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3M公司创建于1902年,全球总部位于美国明尼苏达州的圣保罗市。作为一家世界领先的多元化科技创新企业,3M的产品和技术早已深深地融入人们的生活。100多年以来,3M开发了近七万种产品,从家庭用品到医疗产品,从运输、建筑到商业、教育和电子、通信等各个领域。3M中国于1984年11月在中国注册成立,是在深圳经济特区外成立的中国第一家外商独资企业。截止目前,3M公司在中国累积投资超过10亿美元,建立了9个生产基地、27个办事处、4个技术中心和2个研发中心,员工超过8,200人。作为最早进入中国的外商独资企业之一, 3M中国在过去的30多年里始终密切把握中国经济的发展脉搏,秉承“扎根中国,服务中国”的本土化发展战略,凭借多元化的技术和解决方案,积极支持中国经济的建设和发展。从基础设施建设到制造业崛起,从中国制造到中国创造,从出口驱动到推动内需,3M将企业的发展战略与中国的发展步伐紧密相连,助力中国市场的快速发展。这也使得3M成为中国本土化最成功的企业之一。3M中国致力开发适合本地市场和客户需求的创新科技和产品,并专注创新人才的培养。目前,3M中国已拥有近600名本土研发人员,贡献了约千项专利发明,并在 3M全球的研发网络中发挥着极为重要的作用。3M中国积极履行社会责任,积极参与环境保护,扶贫减灾,推进志愿者行动。3M中国的努力得到了社会的广泛认可,获得了“大中华区最具领导力企业”、“最受赞赏的在华外商投资企业”、“亚洲最受尊敬公司二十强”等诸多荣誉,并多次入选“世界500强在华贡献排行榜”且名列前茅。1984年,3M中国在上海注册成立成为上海市的第一家外商独资企业,它也是在深圳经济特区外的中国第一家外商独资企业。中国总投资额:10亿美元(截至2015年)员工人数:超过8,200人分支机构:27个办事处27个办事处包括上海,北京,广州,天津,杭州,南京,苏州,沈阳,成都,武汉,福州,深圳,青岛,重庆,西安,昆明,大连,乌鲁木齐,郑州,厦门,济南,宁波,无锡,长春,长沙,合肥和太原等。生产基地:9个生产基地包括上海5个,苏州2个,合肥1个,广州1个。物流中心:3个物流中心分别设于上海、天津与深圳。技术中心及研发中心:3M中国研发中心位于上海,西北研发中心位于西安,4个技术中心分别设于北京、广州、成都和苏州。Overview of 3M ChinaFounded in 1902, 3M is headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. As a world-leading innovative corporation, 3M has developed a wide range of technologies and products that improve our daily lives. Total 70,000 high-quality products over the course of 100-plus years, 3M’s products range from household to healthcare, from transportation, construction to business, education, electronics and telecommunication, and so on.Registered in China in November 1984, 3M China was the first wholly foreign-invested enterprise established outside the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. To date, 3M has invested over US$ 1.0 billion in China and has established 9 manufacturing facilities, 27 branch offices, 4 technical centers and 2 R&D centers, with more than 8,200 employees.As one of the first foreign-invested enterprises registered in China, 3M China has achieved rapid growth over the past 30 years, in tune with the rhythm of China’s economic development. Holding “In China, For China” as its core strategy, 3M has greater involvement in the development of Chinese economy by leveraging its diversified technologies and multiple solutions. From infrastructure construction to manufacturing, from “Made in China” to “Created by China”, from export-driven growth to boosting domestic demand, 3M rides on the tide of China’s economic development by keeping in step with and helping drive forward the Chinese economy, making it one of the most successfully localized companies in China.3M China is dedicated to the development of innovative technologies and products that meet local customers’ needs. It also focuses on fostering local innovative talents. 3M China now has nearly 600 R&D employees, which have contributed to around one thousand patents and plays a significant role in 3M’s R&D network.3M China actively participated in the social responsibility events including environment protection, poverty alleviation and volunteer activities. 3M’s continuous efforts to the society have been widely recognized, proved by an extensive list of accolades that include "Top Companies for Leadership in the Greater China Region", "Most Admired Foreign-invested Enterprises in China", and "Top 20 Most Admired Company in Asia". It also got selected for and ranked top on the "Fortune 500 Companies’ Contributions List in China" for several times.[Quick Facts]Year of EstablishmentIn 1984, 3M registered its first office in Shanghai, China. It is the first wholly-owned foreign-invested enterprise in Shanghai and the first wholly-owned foreign-invested company outside the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.Investment in China: US$ 1.0 billion (By 2015).Employees: Over 8, 200Branch offices:27 (in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Shenyang, Chengdu, Wuhan, Fuzhou, Shenzhen, Qingdao, Chongqing, Xi’an, Kunming, Dalian, Urumqi, Zhengzhou, Xiamen, Jinan, Ningbo, Wuxi, Changchun, Changsha, Hefei and Taiyuan)Manufacturing:9 plants –5 in Shanghai, 2 in Suzhou,1 in Hefei,1 in Guangzhou.3 logistics centers in Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenzhen.R&D:3M China R&D Center is located in Shanghai, and Northwest R&D Center is located in Xi’an; 4 technical service centers are located in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Suzhou city